From coast to coast…
My challenge was to cross Canada from coast to coast on my trusty bike… Well, it’s done ! But it’s not over yet !…
Here is the story (mostly in pictures) of the last weeks of peregrinations in Newfoundland.
Friday 30th July.
From Eastport to Dildo, 212 kilometres.
After a few days in Eastport Organics, I am teleported at lightning speed to the beautiful little village of Dildo thanks to the good care of my market gardener James and his pick-up truck !
Dildo. This name comes up a lot in this region! I discovered that it was the name of a piece of a boat…
The good thing about travelling is that it teaches us a lot about the world and opens up our horizons !
When I arrive in a new place, I always find a café-resto or the local microbrewery. There’s no better way to reconnect with people.
Sitting at Dildo’s microbrewery, I didn’t sit alone for long…

A nice gang invited me to spend the evening with them and to play cards in their ‘bed & breakfast’ Georges House B&B where the owner, Todd Warren, welcomed me kindly on his property for the night ! In the morning, he had prepared a good breakfast for me, thank you ! All thanks to these two beautiful couples… Once again, well fed and well rested, I was able to continue my journey to St. John’s.
Saturday 31st July.
From Dildo to Brigus, 52 kilometres.
Sunday August 1st.
From Brigus to Paradise, 60 kilometres.
I am welcomed in the home of truly extraordinary and soul-nourishing people.
Monday 2nd August.
From Paradise to Quidi Vidi, 27 kilometres.
I arrive in St. John’s for a few days.
And once again, I am welcomed with great generosity by Bernadette and Maurice who show me around, offer me hikes, stories and good food ! Once again, thank you for this welcome filled with generosity and the pleasure of sharing good times !
From Newfoundland, I will remember, of course, the beauty of the landscape and the sea. But much more: the warm humanity of the Newfoundlanders !
I had the chance and the privilege to meet joyful, generous and mature people and believe me it did me a lot of good!

While waiting for a place on the ferry that would take me to Nova Scotia, I lingered and spent a few days in St-John’s.
But bad news: no room for me on those big boats until late September !?!… As they say: ‘I missed the boat!
In the last few months, my plans have often changed… Once again I have to adapt and find a nice solution… That’s good for the brain !
And you know what !? I’ve figured out how to get there.
I just have to get there. To get back on the road, to discover other coasts, to better leave and continue…
It is really to be followed…