Comfort zone

Travel, adventure, nomadic life is a way of life that feeds my soul, my mind and my heart!

I am in my comfort zone and this helps me to reduce the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome !

The stress of a life that doesn’t suit me is behind me.
It feels so good !

It takes me back a few years and makes me realize that :
for all healing, no matter what the trauma, illness or even depression, the minute we are on our life path or doing what we are passionate about, we accelerate our healing.

It’s a safe bet that if I had gone through the government’s head injury program, I would still be on the treadmill three days a week.  I’m so lucky to have the great scenery flash before my eyes and to feel my legs burning up from the miles of asphalt !

Nature, the outdoors and intense exercise energise and nourish me. I have more stamina than I used to, but when my body gives me a signal, it is sometimes impossible to keep going…  So I have to manage my energy carefully; keep hope alive with realism.

Still on my way in the Rockies, the challenge is great, of course…  And pushing a bike through two feet of snow is extremely difficult !  However, an inner music accompanies me and the intense happiness that this adventure gives me helps me to continue despite all the physical pains.

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